Home > Artworks > Cesar Luis Gatto Gutierrez

Photo of Cesar Luis Gatto Gutierrez Argentina

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Born in Argentina, learn about color at an early age, her teacher was the Lady Susana Garcia de la Mata (Gua specialist at the National Museum of Decorative Art and Oriental Art.) Painter, set designer, muralist. He studied at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes. Jury in painting competitions and member of Rotary International Student Exchange Club. Student floral crafts courses in natural and artificial flowers, being...

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Born in Argentina, learn about color at an early age, her teacher was the Lady Susana Garcia de la Mata (Gua specialist at the National Museum of Decorative Art and Oriental Art.) Painter, set designer, muralist. He studied at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes. Jury in painting competitions and member of Rotary International Student Exchange Club. Student floral crafts courses in natural and artificial flowers, being their teachers members of Garden Flowers in Buenos Aires. Exhibitor and group exhibitions organizer of Fine Arts, compartiEusebio Clemente Martinez (Artist of the murals in the National Theatre); Elda Degrossi (Prix Italia 1973), Juan Ibarra, Angel Bertolini, Gutierrez San Julin, Leonardi Angel, Mallo L Samuel fish, etc. Realizmodelado and sculpture, form and aesthetics, Prof. Roque Create (sculptor JFKennedy head for the Hall of the U.S. Embassy, Argentina). Aprendicon Mallo López. (Doctor, lawyer, painter and sculptor) the technique of making cuttings with bread crumbs. Color Amplisus knowledge in Europe, Spain (Foundation Dali, Picasso Foundation, etc), France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, etc.. - Upholsterer, makes his work read in books tapices.Ilustrador: capacitacin-course reflection of Light and Color-OAS 1981.

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